Student Tuition Recovery Fund Claim Acceleration Workshop

The Office of Student Assistance and Relief (OSAR) will be hosting a Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) Acceleration Workshop.

The workshop will be an opportunity for applicants to receive one-on-one assistance with completing their STRF claim.

The OSAR representatives will be available on the following day and time at the location listed below:

STRF Claim Acceleration Workshop STRF Workshop Date
North University Community Library
Community Room
8820 Judicial Drive
San Diego, CA 92122
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Evening Appointments
Appointment Required
To request an appointment, contact the OSAR at or at (888) 370-7589 option #5

Please Bring the Following Documentation to Your Appointment:

  • Suggested Proof of Enrollment
    • Enrollment Agreement
    • Transcripts
  • Proof of Economic Loss
    • Student Financial Ledger
    • Updated Loan Documents
    • Receipts and/or Bank Statements

Students are encouraged to monitor the OSAR’s website along with its Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages regularly for up-to-date information on the resources available to students. Please direct any questions for the Office of Student Assistance and Relief to (888) 370-7589, Option #5 or email us at